(1926 - 2017)
Jackson Howard went through the public school system in Provo, Utah during the depression. In 1943 during WWII, he was selected by the United States Navy to become an officer candidate and was sent to the University of Texas, Austin, as a Midshipman. Jackson graduated with a business degree and became a naval officer soon thereafter. After an active duty stint, he served in the Navy Reserve for 30 more years and retired as a Captain. Service to his country was an important part of his life and Jackson did many good things in support of the naval community.
In 1947, Jackson entered law school at the University of Utah. He graduated in December 1949, passed the Utah bar exam and became a lawyer in 1950. He went on to win the first million-dollar jury award in Utah in 1974 and his second in 1983. He also maintained a career in banking and was at times a Chairman, President, and CEO for three banks which he helped to establish. Jackson was a staunch republican who had been elected District Attorney twice and had been Republican County Chairman, but who also supported Ralph Nader.
In 1994, the Salt Lake Tribune wrote an article about Jackson titled "Injury Lawyer May be Utah's Best - Bar None."
Jackson loved to recite poetry, read all 11 volumes of Will Durant's Story of Civilization, and built a large model railroad and with miniature city in his basement.
Of his life, Jackson said "I had a star and I followed it."